Kid's Introductory Class Offer - 20% Off
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Enrolling Now for Kid’s Class - ages 7- 9
We’re looking for new students ages 7-9 to join this fun-filled martial arts movement class. Wing Chun Do Gung Fu, weapon forms, kicking and blocking drills, and obstacle running course.
Our special offer - Get 20% Off the Intro Program. The Intro Program consists of three classes and and your child gets FREE foam nunchakus.
Mention our website when you call or text and get 20% off the Introductory Program. No coupon needed.
The Intro will give your child a chance to experience the classes and teaching method, while parents observe their children to see if they are having fun, find how we fit into your schedule, and if we are the right school and art for your family. No obligation to join.
Juniors Class (Ages 10-14)
Intro Program is only for ages under nine. Our Juniors Class for ages 10-14 is an ongoing enrollment. If you have different aged children, we make it convenient by offering the same time and days for both groups.
Schedule of Classes
This schedule shows all programs and classes (adult and children) presently at Ambrose Academy.
New for 2023
Next session of Smart Girls “Street Smarts”- 8 weeks, once a week, starts January 23.
Our premiere instructor, Elizabeth Ambrose is back! Lil Dragon’s Class coming soon for ages 5-6. Call to get on the wait list.
Once a week, weapons are taught. Children should bring all equipment in their bags to each class.